Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Sacred Journey

Road trips are an integral part of my existance. Perhaps this craving for a journey is what intrigued me about Charles Foster's book, The Sacred Journey. He suggests that a pilrimage is an essential part of every faith inluding Christianity taking Jesus' words to "follow me" in a literal sense.

Foster shares stories of how faith development is a series of experiences. He travels the globe in a nomadic lifestyle exploring faith in a way most of us would shy away from. While I disagreed with some of Foster's conclusions, I found the anecdotes thought-provoking. Some may even consider his views on theology to be offensive, which the author fairly warns in the preface. Regardless of your assessment, you will find that journeys change our lives forever. Will you find God on your personal pilgrimage?

The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster was provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers. The ideas expressed in this review are my own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've never been a road-tripper. But I like the comparison of our walk with God to a journey. It resonates.